VIDEO: AntiFa Members Conduct Occult Ritual in Boston Streets, Eat Bloody Heart Symbolic of Trump by Frankie Stockes October 20, 2020 AntiFa radicals conducted what can only be described as an occult-style ritual on the streets of Boston, Massachusetts this weekend ...
Trump Releases Devastating New Ad Highlighting Biden’s Deep Ties to Communist China by Frankie Stockes October 17, 2020 President Trump is slamming his opponent, Joe Biden, in a devastating new campaign ad highlighting his deep ties to Communist ...
VIDEO: Pro-Biden Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Once Appeared in SNL Sketch About Child Raping Robot by Frankie Stockes September 28, 2020 Rock's fictional robot was able to molest twice the children in half the time.
DESPACITO: Spanish-Language Song Biden Played Has Lyrics ‘I Want To Breathe On Your Neck Slowly’ by Archive September 15, 2020 Potentially problematic song choice for the hair sniffing candidate
Lindsey Graham Opposes Making Obama Testify About Obamagate by Eduardo Rivero May 15, 2020 Graham sides with the Democrats once again
BREAKING: Trump’s Ukraine Transcript Shows He Did Nothing Wrong by National File News September 25, 2019 The transcripts repudiate the media narrative surrounding Ukraine.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates