Sanders to ‘The Squad’: Electing Biden/Harris Is Just the Beginning by Archive November 1, 2020 US Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-VT), joined members of “The Squad” in a conference call to reiterate his cooperation with the ...
VIDEO: Biden Brags About Beating Bernie Sanders, Trump Points Out ‘Not By Much’ by National File News September 29, 2020 During Tuesday night's presidential debate, Joe Biden bragged about beating Bernie Sanders, but President Trump wittily shut him down. The ...
BREAKING: AOC Nominates Bernie Sanders for President at DNC, Snubs Biden by Archive August 18, 2020 AOC sides with Bernie, even as Bernie sides with Joe.
4chan Trolls Bernie Bros, Tells Them They Received Fake Campaign Refunds by Archive April 18, 2020 #BernReturn campaign set in motion to cause confusion over refunds
Dozens of Bernie Supporters Tweet That They’re ‘Crying’ Over Campaign Suspension by Archive April 8, 2020 Sanders fans profoundly upset at their candidate dropping out in two consecutive election cycles
Reddit Melts Down Over Bernie Sanders’ Withdrawal From Presidential Race by National File News April 8, 2020 Redditors are threatening to move to Canada and demanding refunds because the heckin' wholesome chungus Sanderrino dropped out
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story