AT&T Doubles Down On Working With CCP, Confirms Everything Tucker Carlson, National File Reported by Archive February 25, 2021 AT&T doubles down on working with a CCP-controlled company that assists with the genocide of the Uyghur ethnic minority.
BREAKING: Tucker Carlson, Corey Stewart Discuss National File Exclusive, AT&T Lobbying To Work With CCP-Controlled Telecom Giant by Archive February 24, 2021 "We were contacted by Ed Gillespie, the executive vice president of AT&T, who urged us not to place China Telecom, ...
EXCLUSIVE: AT&T Defends Doing Business With Genocidal Chinese Regime That Houses Uyghurs In Concentration Camps by Archive February 23, 2021 AT&T says that without China Telecom being allowed to do business in America, they wouldn't be allowed to rake in ...
EXCLUSIVE: AT&T Pressuring Dept. Of Commerce To Keep China Telecom Off Blacklist by Patrick Howley February 16, 2021 Economic Treason By One of America's Biggest Corporate Giants
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates