Establishment Crucifies Musk Over Jewish Antiwhitism Post by Brian Pfail November 21, 2023 X owner and richest man alive, Elon Musk, agreed with an alleged antisemitic social media post claiming that whites are ...
Fox Censors College Student After He Calls Out Anti-White Racism by Charles Downs July 26, 2023 Fox Business removed college student Daniel Schmidt's interview about an Ivy League school professor's anti-white racism. Following Tucker's departure from ...
Video: Rep. Jamaal Bowman Omits Whites and Christians from ‘Humanity Power’ Rant by Frankie Stockes July 21, 2023 New York Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman highlighted the Democrat Party's disdain for Whites and Christians in a Twitter video he ...
Police: Black Man Executed Two Strangers ‘Because They Were White’ by Frankie Stockes May 7, 2023 Authorities in Tulsa, Oklahoma have charged a black man with two hate crime murders after they say he publicly executed ...
Poll: Nearly Half of Black Americans Believe it’s NOT ‘Okay to be White’ by Frankie Stockes February 23, 2023 A new poll from Rasmussen shows just how racially balkanized and anti-white the United States of America has become under ...
California School District Bars White Employees From Event For ‘Employees of Color’ by Cullen McCue February 21, 2023 A California school district recently held an events for “employees of color” at which attendees were urged not to invite ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates