‘DAY OF RAGE’: Portland Mob Destroys Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln Statues; Police Declare Riot by Archive October 12, 2020 Portland, Oregon’s bout with violence and destruction at the hands of anarchists and violent ideological protesters continued Sunday night with ...
New York City, Portland, And Seattle Classified Cities That ‘Permit Anarchy’ By Trump’s DoJ by Archive September 22, 2020 Attorney General Barr names cities to list that face possible defunding by the federal government for allowing lawlessness
EXCLUSIVE: Allen West: Democrats ‘Created’ Antifa and KKK Terrorists by Eduardo Rivero August 20, 2020 Republican Party of Texas chairman Lt. Col. Allen West revealed his views on what messaging Republicans should use in the ...
Police Rescued Pig From Portland Leftists Who Planned To Publicly Behead It In Protest by Eduardo Rivero August 1, 2020 Police officers in Portland, Oregon rescued a live pig that was due to be publicly slaughtered by far-left rioters as ...
Far-Left Magazine Shuts Down After Indian Migrant Editor Allegedly Rapes Antifa Activist by Eduardo Rivero May 15, 2020 The migrant raped the organizer a second time after she made him read feminist essays
LEAKED EMAILS: Blue Cross Blue Shield NC Coordinated Directly with NC Democrat Gov to Stifle Aid to Western NC
BOMBSHELL GA COURT TESTIMONY: “Dominion Encryption Keys Can Be Used to Decrypt and Change Election Result Files”
Gen. Flynn Says North Carolina Reawaken America Tour Will Serve North Carolinians Suffering After Helene