Ugandan President Wins Re-Election In Landslide After Banning Facebook, Twitter by Eduardo Rivero January 16, 2021 Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has won the Ugandan presidential election in a landslide, after taking strong action against big tech ...
EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Trump Appointee Slams USAID For Promoting ‘Radical Left’s Social Agenda’ by Eduardo Rivero August 3, 2020 Merritt Corrigan served as the Deputy White House Liaison for USAID before resigning from the agency today
VIDEO: No, Alex Jones Won’t Eat Your Ass, But Millions of People Might Die of Starvation by Archive May 2, 2020 Alex Jones engaged in Jonathan Swift-style satire to help people understand the dire consequences of the lockdowns.
Nigeria Demands $200Bn Damages from China As Citizens Burn Chinese Factories by Archive April 29, 2020 Lawyers have drawn up $200 billion as damages for the 'loss of lives, economic strangulation, trauma'
Chinese Restaurant in Nigeria Closes After No Black People Policy by Archive March 15, 2020 Not the wisest business plan in the world
Rapper Blames Europe for ‘Forcing LGBT Onto’ Africa by Archive December 28, 2019 J Hus made controversial pronouncement during Twitter rant on colonization
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified