Fauci’s Book Gets Pulled From Amazon, Barnes and Noble After Damning Email Revelations by National File News June 2, 2021 "Expected the unexpected" unexpectedly pulled from digital shelves following damning email revelations
MSNBC Host Interviews Fauci After Disastrous Email Release, Declares His Emails Are Above Reproach by Archive June 2, 2021 "So you pass a test very few of us would pass, Dr. Anthony Fauci, thank you for spending some time ...
Email Shows Fauci Predicted COVID-19 Would Be Mild Pandemic In February 2020 by National File News June 2, 2021 Emails reveal that Anthony Fauci predicted the COVID outbreak would only be a mild pandemic on the scale of the ...
Frank Luntz Held ‘Focus Group’ That Said Trump Voters Will Accept Vaccine Passports To Go On Vacation by Archive May 25, 2021 Frank Luntz is best known as the anti-Trump pollster who rents a room to Kevin McCarthy. His former employers describe ...
Wall Street Journal Promotes Article Demanding Vaccine Passports To Make Airlines Happy by Archive May 25, 2021 The Wall Street Journal declares that digital COVID-19 vaccine passports will likely become necessary for international travel
CNN Doctor Says She Doesn’t Feel Safe Around Unmasked People In Stores, Tacitly Demands Vaccine Passports by Archive May 15, 2021 The CNN doctor questioned, "How do we know that people are telling the truth" about their vaccination status.