Last Updated on February 23, 2023
A new poll from Rasmussen shows just how racially balkanized and anti-white the United States of America has become under far-left governance and racial idolatry, as nearly half of black Americans are unwilling to admit that “it’s okay to be white.”
According to the results of a recent Rasmussen poll, which asked its respondents if they believe that “it’s okay to be white,” an overall sampling of Americans across ethnic groups showed that 72% agree with the statement. This is still an alarmingly low number, considering that America was over 80% white as recently as the 1990 census and that America wouldn’t exist had it not been founded by white people.
Of the 72% of Americans who say that “it’s okay to be white,” 58% of them say that they “strongly agree” with the statement.
The overall numbers dwarf the number of black Americans who believe “it’s okay to be white,” according to the results of the poll. This appears to be evidence that anti-white racism, fueled by corporate media and uni-party politicians, is on a rapid rise in the United States.
When black Americans only are polled by Rasmussen, barely half of the poll’s respondents, just 53%, say that “it’s okay to be white.” A whopping 26% say they flat-out disagree with it being “okay to be white,” and 21% are “not sure.”

Rasmussen’s poll used terminology that’s been targetted by the left in recent years, as their anti-white campaigns have been kicked into high gear, coinciding with the political rise of Black Lives Matter, the openly communist group whose riots killed more unarmed blacks in a few weeks than every cop in America did in an entire year.
Read More: Riot Death Toll Is Now Greater Than Number of Unarmed Blacks Killed By Police In 2019
In fact, the very phrase “it’s okay to be white” has been targeted for censorship by the radical left, to the point that those uttering or posting it have been arrested, and charged with hate crimes.