Last Updated on September 4, 2019
The first ever Straight Pride Parade came to Boston on August 31, 2019, reportedly drawing hundreds. Despite Antifa protests and subsequent arrests, the event contained very little violence.
Allegations have been made that straight pride is somehow inherently homophobic, or that the parade itself is an attack on the LGBT community.
Ironically, the Grand Marshal of the parade is Milo Yiannopolous, an open homosexual who is married to an African American man and is known as a provocateur, but considers himself an advocate of conservatism and a studious sociologist who critiques left wing culture.

During the event, Antifa appeared to protest the speakers, attendees and, apparently, heterosexuality in general.
Some were reportedly handing out flyers indicating that all straight sex is rape, and those who engage in sex with a white male are perpetuating white supremacy.
Benjamin King, who attended the parade and provided photos to National File, sent a photo of the flyer.

The first half of this argument has been attributed in spirit to third wave feminist Andrea Dworkin, who had her opponents finish the quote by adding, “All straight sex is rape, so anything that caters to the male gaze is sexual assault.”
The second half, if reversed, would likely be considered blatant racism, indicating that it is a moral imperative of young white women to have children with anyone but a member of their own racial group.
The Boston Herald has since written a piece condemning Antifa as terrorists, citing the 36 arrests and multiple wounded police as reason enough to condemn them entirely.
The 36 arrests and four police who were injured during Saturday’s Straight Pride Parade in Boston is the latest episode highlighting why Antifa, a radical far-left militant group, ought to be designated a terror organization.
Someone please tell Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins and the media who turn a blind eye to the anti-Trump, anti-conservative and anti-democracy terror group’s rampant thuggery.
First off, Antifa doesn’t really stand for “anti-fascist,” despite what the violent hooligans masquerading as “protesters” claim. The alt-left militant group clad in all black wearing face masks and helmets resembling ISIS extremists are more aptly described as anti-First Amendment as they — like other terror groups — use makeshift bombs, brute force, bricks, chains and other weapons to silence any speech or ideology they disagree with.

Speaking to National File, King said his experiences with Antifa at the event were “horribly unpleasant,” and described them as “loud, obnoxious, obscene” people who “added nothing of value at all.”
He added, “When they collectively decided to follow and heckle the parade marchers I had no choice but to either walk with them or get trampled.”
National File will continue to track the fallout of the Boston Straight Pride Parade.