Last Updated on January 13, 2023
GOP Senator Lindsey Graham called for sending tanks to Ukraine just hours after a Ukrainian propaganda account demanded them via Twitter. Graham, a longtime supporter of warhawk policies, has been among the uni-party’s loudest voices in favor of Western intervention in the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Senator Graham (R-SC) wrote to Twitter that he “appreciate[s] France agreeing to provide light armored combat vehicles to Ukraine,” that it’s “not enough,” calling for the West to send “heavy modern tanks” to Ukraine so that they can “militarily defeat the Russian invaders.”

Amazingly, Graham’s talking points appeared to come straight from a Ukrainian propaganda account, that had spent the hours before Graham’s tweet demanding heavy-duty tanks from Western powers, apparently ungrateful for the lighter armor handed out to them by the French.
Thus far, Western nations have dumped countless billions into Ukraine, with the United States leading the charge, and Senator Graham as one of Washington’s most vocal supporters of the international welfare effort that’s seen Ukrainian oligarchs pocketing US taxpayer cash and purchasing Swiss villas, apparently in preparation for their country being overrun.
“Experts continue to debate whether the AMX-10 RC can be considered a tank,” the Defense of Ukraine account wrote after receiving their French handout, going on to say that they fully expect to soon receive similar military armor from the US and Germany.

“To win faster we need tanks,” Defense of Ukraine tweeted later in the day after Senator Lindsey Graham had already echoed their calls for more American freebies.

Video: Ukrainians Party in Kiev as America Continues Sending Billions in Foreign Aid to Stop ‘Invasion’
Despite the actions of Republicans like Senator Graham and now-speaker Kevin McCarthy, another ardent supporter of the Ukrainian war effort at the expense of American taxdollars, the American people, especially conservatives, have largely turned against the idea of funding Ukraine, a corrupt nation who’s president is in bed with the World Economic Forum.
That hasn’t stopped DC from spending American taxdollars in Eastern Europe though, and in recent days, globalist media outlets like The Economist and The New York Times have stepped up their pro-war efforts, publishing multiple stories calling for the US and other Western nations to send tanks to Ukraine.