Last Updated on December 26, 2022
John Hill, a descendent of two prominent Confederate Generals, Robert E. Lee and AP Hill, is taking on cultural marxism at West Point, where officials are bowing to the radical left and purging anything and everything associated with the Confederacy, even if it means erasing the history of their own school and its most distinguished graduate.
John Hill, a direct descendent of General Robert E. Lee and the closest living relative of General AP Hill, one of Lee’s top battlefield commanders, has made National File headlines in recent weeks for his staunch defense of his ancestors and American history, in the face of Marxist revisionism and outright grave robbery by left-wing Democrats and their henchmen.
Now, while he’s still in the midst of a legal fight to save General AP Hill’s statuesque headstone from mockery and destruction, John Hill is taking the fight to the United States Military Academy at West Point, where school officials have announced a purge of all things Robert E. Lee.
READ MORE: BLM Mayor of Richmond, VA DIGS UP REMAINS of Confederate General AP Hill
“West Point is going to erase everything to do with General Robert E. Lee,” John Hill told National File.
According to a West Point webpage explaining the steps that the federally-funded military academy will take to erase the history of Robert E. Lee, portraits and busts of the general will be removed and placed in storage.
In some cases, Lee will be replaced by the likeness of Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
Both men will be removed from “Reconciliation Plaza,” which was named in honor of the reconciliation that occurred between northerners and southerners following the 4-year-long American Civil War that left nearly a million dead.

“General Lee was a gallant American and noble Christian. He graduated from West Point in 1829 without a single demerit. He was also the Superintendent of West Point from 1852-1855,” Hill explained, documenting the real history behind the General who was revered the world over for more than a century before left-wing censors decided to erase him from America’s story.
“Lee served in the US Army for 32 Years and General Winfield Scott called Lee ‘the greatest military genius in America.’ He was also the first choice to Command the Union Army but rightfully declined because he wouldn’t raise his sword against his native Commonwealth of Virginia,” Hill told National File.
“West Point is making a huge mistake and we need to put a stop to it! Please sign this petition and help put a stop to the erasing of Robert E. Lee’s history from West Point!”
Sign John Hill’s petition HEREÂ and let West Point know that American history matters!
Speaking further with National File, John Hill explained how deeply ingrained men like Generals Robert E. Lee and AP Hill are in his family’s history.
A genealogist with the Sons of Confederate Veterans, John Hill can trace his descent to General Lee through four familial lines, and is the closest surviving relative of General AP Hill, and obviously still bears his surname.
Mr. Hill also provided National File with an amazing series of photographs, showing the uncanny resemblance he bears to his ancestor, General Robert E. Lee, who was born more than 200 years ago.
Check the photos out below!Â