Last Updated on April 8, 2024
Friend of National File, pro-freedom Brazilian tribal Chief, and Christian Pastor, Serere, was released from Brasilia’s notorious Papuda Prison on September 9th, but the CCP-linked tyrants running Brazil have placed him under a complete media gag as a condition of his release in a blatant effort to silence the man who’s become a national symbol of resistance to narco-communism.
Christian Pastor and Chief of the indigenous Xavante Tribe, Serere, was raided, arrested, and locked up by left-wing Brazilian authorities after questioning the fraud-ridden results of that nation’s 2022 election, while publicly declaring his support for President Bolsonaro, President Trump, and Jesus Christ. Serere was accused of “anti-democratic, criminal acts” by the newly-installed Brazilian regime of President Lula.
The arrest of Serere came as Brazilian authorities took a page from Joe Biden’s Department of Justice playbook by rounding up political opponents of left-wing President Lula and supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who has been dubbed the “Trump of the Tropics“. The situation has drawn comparisons to the treatment of J6 political prisoners and supporters of 45th President Trump in the United States.
Related: Brazilian Native Tribal Chief Endorses Donald Trump and Jesus Christ
The documented torture experienced by Pastor Serere while inside the prison was abhorrent.
During his time there, mainstream media, Brazil’s indigenous people’s government organ, “charitable” NGOs, as well as National File’s US and European Embassy contacts in Brasilia, all looked the other way in a well-documented, tangible, and often despicable fashion.
In two cases, supposed human rights advocates, one from the US State Department, and one from Brazil’s FUNAI, even asked for sexual favors from National File’s source in exchange for assistance and information about Pastor Serere’s condition.
FUNAI (Fundacao Nacional dos Povos Indigenas), a Brazilian government organization, is supposed to be protecting indigenous people within Brazilian territory but stood down in the case of Pastor Serere.
It would likely come as a shock to many that such supposedly “righteous” institutions as the US State Department and FUNAI – which in reality are partisan institutions – would ignore the persecution, torture, and solitary confinement of an indigenous Christian man and Brazilian national icon.
While institutions tasked with protecting the persecuted stood down, so did the corporate media, putting the imprisonment of Pastor Serere on mute.
National File’s sources had sought to rally ‘friends’ at Brazilian mainstream, globalist news outlets Globo and Band News around Pastor Serere’s plight, hoping at a minimum they would condemn his torture, but both outlets steadfastly refused to cover it. This follows a similar, disturbing pattern by these same two partisan outlets when National File broke the world-exclusive Ronaldinho-CCP story.
The Guardian’s Amazonia-based Marxist, Jonathan Watts, was no better. Watts confirmed in writing his knowledge of Pastor Serere’s situation then refrained from discussing further. This is despite Watts’ supposed mandate to discuss important issues faced by Brazil’s indigenous.
In line, National File’s peers at The Gateway Pundit remarked that Watts’ liberal colleague at The Guardian, Thomas Traumann, also remained completely silent about Serere’s persecution, “…only wanting to protect their corrupt, convicted criminal Communist candidate, Lula de Silva. Shame on you, Traumann.”
As the corporate media ignored the political persecution, imprisonment, and torture of Pastor Serere, exiled Brazilian conservative media doyen, Allan Dos Santos, lauded National File’s team for their relentless pursuit of justice for Pastor Serere and the Brazilian People, stating that “Foreign journalists (National File) are more concerned about Brazilian patriots than many Brazilian socialists (journalists).”
In that vein, National File’s source was able to connect via phone last week with Pastor Serere.
National File can now internationally publish the first photograph of the pro-Trump, anti-Communist Christian stalwart since his release from prison.

Post-release, Mato Gross State-based Pastor Serere remains forbidden by Alexandre de Moraes, President of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF), to make any kind of pronouncement.
Pastor Serere is also being forced to wear an electronic anklet that’s monitored 24/7 by Moraes’ STF.
Effectively, Brazil’s left-wing regime has neutered him. He cannot preach the Gospel or assist his Xavante tribe. He’s confined to an unfamiliar residence and unable to work, rendering it impossible for Pastor Serere to properly tend to and support his six dependent children.
He’s also barred from receiving visitors at the state-sanctioned house he’s confined to, despite being a Pastor of three Evangelical churches where he’s been lauded for his work caring for indigenous natives suffering from depression, drugs, and alcohol abuse.
National File readers may be familiar with Alexandre de Moraes, the Lula-backed jurist who has been described repeatedly by Steve Bannon, Stew Peters, Tucker Carlson, and others as Brazil’s “shadow President.”
Though he’s widely seen as a vicious and dangerous thug, Moraes ironically holds Brazil’s most important gavel.
Moraes has allegedly jailed, tortured, and imprisoned prominent Brazilian dissident conservative journalists in the past, and covered up President Lula’s narco gangster support. Moraes himself has also defended narcos reportedly wedded to the ‘PCC,’ South America’s largest drug gang. The broader lovefest between Lula and South America’s narco establishment has been well-documented.
Given Pastor Serere is barred from media, NGO, and other related contact, in the interests of his safety this author wishes to make clear here that National File has not connected with Pastor Serere directly.