Last Updated on September 24, 2019
The controversial chicken sandwich chain has clung onto some superficial Christian values at a time where most major corporations–in particular, fast food chains–have wholeheartedly embraced progressive ideology for cheap virtue signalling points known as “Woke Capital.”
As a result of its resistance to adopting the progressive credo celebrated by their competitors, Chick-fil-A has enjoyed startling success.
Chick-fil-A has been most notoriously labeled ‘homophobic’ by the press and members of the public; however, their chicken sandwiches have been enjoyed by those of all sexual orientations.
A fortnight ago, the first Chick-fil-A franchise opened in Toronto.
Its inauguration was met with a protest against ‘hate’ and ‘homophobia’ taking root in the progressive Canadian city.
Despite the presence of dozens of protesters, customers seemed to be utterly undeterred in grabbing themselves a bit of chicken.
Other instances where the chicken chain was threatened by political activists also backfired.
Since 2012, Chick-fil-A has been a target of pro-LGBT and progressive activism due to the corporation’s cultural positions.
In July this year, Chick-fil-A was ranked America’s third largest restaurant chain.
According to LifeSiteNews:
 Christian fast food chain Chick-fil-A may be open 52 days a year less than the competition, but it’s still managed to become the third largest restaurant chain in the United States, according to new numbers released by Nation’s Restaurant News (NRN).
NRN’s analysis finds Chick-fil-A rising to third place from seventh place the year before, Fox Business reports, with its $38.52 billion in total sales placing it just behind McDonald’s and Starbucks. The chain has over 2,400 locations in 47 states and enjoyed double-digit sales growth for the fifth year in a row.
Another article for LifeSiteNews states:
Nation’s Restaurant News (NRN) ranked Chick-fil-A as the nation’s third largest restaurant chain in July, and an analysis by Restaurant Business shows the company’s system sales steadily climbing from $4.6 billion in 2012 (the year Cathy’s position on same-sex “marriage” went public) to more than twice that amount in 2018 at $10.5 billion – potentially indicating that part of the chain’s success stems from Christian and conservative Americans’ desire to reward the chain for its values and rebuke its attackers.
The popular mantra ‘get woke, go broke’ has an inverse rule: stimulate sales by rejecting progressive politically-loaded public positions.
Although, the ‘get woke, go broke’ mantra has its flaws–given the sheer unshakable size and market share of several ‘woke’ corporations who don’t face genuine competition, and can lobby to erect barriers to entry via regulation and/or taxation–the general public seems keener, in some respects, to consume a product they enjoy over having political ideology rammed down their throats.