VIDEO: Teenage ‘Pakistani Drugs Gang’ Fights Each Other With SWORDS In UK by Archive October 21, 2020 Four people were stabbed in a shocking incident to surface on social media
France Clamps Down, Shuts Over 70 Mosques, to Expel 231 Radicals After Beheading by Archive October 20, 2020 Beheading of teacher by Islamic fundamentalist gripped international headlines
Ilhan Omar Somehow Makes ACB Confirmation About Anti-Muslim Racism by Archive October 13, 2020 Omar spins concern of GOP Senators about the targeting of Amy Coney Barrett’s religious views claiming the same Senators would...
In Threat to Recent Moves to Peace, Iran Arms Hamas With Long-Range Missiles by Archive October 4, 2020 According to a documentary “What is Hidden is Greater,” that aired on Al Jazeera, Iran is arming the Islamofascist terror...
Man Featured By New York Times As ISIS Associate Arrested For Faking Involvement With Terror Group by Archive September 30, 2020 A Canadian man who was featured as a terrorist associated with ISIS on a New York Times produced podcast, was...
Homegrown Terrorists Loyal To ISIS Caught Targeting Trump Tower, NYSE by Archive September 25, 2020 The FBI has arrested two men, both US citizens, for conspiring to commits acts of terror in New York City...
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified