Last Updated on April 14, 2021
Democratic officials within the the U.S. House and the Senate are preparing legislation to pack the Supreme Court with four new justices, the exact number required to reset the current Republican majority on the bench, which currently stands at 6-3.
According to The Intercept, the new legislation is set to be unveiled on Thursday, and aims to bring the total number of justices on the Court to 13.
Representatives Jerry Nadler, Hank Johnson, and Mondaire Jones are among the Democrats championing the bill in the House, while Sen. Ed Markey is reportedly leading the push in the Senate.
Despite the fact that the Republican justices nominated by President Donald Trump have consistently voted with the far-left on almost all major issues, Democrats have strongly advocated for President Joe Biden to implement court-packing so that the will of the people will never pose a threat to the regime.
Though Biden has refused to give a direct answer about his views on court-packing during his administration, and described such a move during his Senate days as a “bonehead idea,” he signed an executive order last Friday that creates a commission to look into packing the Court with more justices:
Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday that will launch a commission to study expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court, despite once calling it a “bonehead idea.”
It appears that Joe Biden is gearing up to fundamentally restructure the Judicial Branch. According to the New York Times, the Biden regime has ordered “a 180-day study of adding seats to the Supreme Court, making good on a campaign-year promise to establish a bipartisan commission to examine the potentially explosive subjects of expanding the court or setting term limits for justices.”
This commission will be led by Bob Bauer, a Biden campaign lawyer and former White House counsel for Barack Obama. The panel will also include Obama’s deputy assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel Cristina Rodriguez, leftist legal scholar Laurence Tribe, and former President of the leftist American Constitution Society, Caroline Fredrickson, who according to Politico “has hinted that she is intellectually supportive of ideas like court expansion.”