Portland HS Students Stage Walkout Over Lifting of Mask Mandate by Ben Bailey March 14, 2022 Oregon is lifting its mask mandate for indoor public places today, meaning that public schools no longer require the wearing...
Senate Republicans Introduce COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Bill by Ben Bailey March 13, 2022 Senate Republicans, led by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), have introduced a bill that would allow victims of adverse effects to...
New Fox News Poll Shows Mastriano Gaining Ground in PA by Ben Bailey March 12, 2022 A recent Fox News poll shows movement in the highly anticipated GOP primary for Pennsylvania's gubernatorial vacancy. Front runner and...
Google Alternative DuckDuckGo Promises Crackdown on ‘Disinformation’ by Ben Bailey March 11, 2022 DuckDuckGo, a search engine dubbed by many as the “free speech” alternative to Google, has announced that it will be...
‘Groomers’: DeSantis Press Sec Defends Florida Bill That Bars Same-Sex Education in K-3 Classrooms by Ben Bailey March 9, 2022 Both state and national Democrats have repeatedly referred to Florida's HB 1557 as the "don't say gay" bill and have...
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story