Last Updated on February 27, 2024
Nationally syndicated news broadcaster Stew Peters blew the hinges off the anti-White war lobby that’s turning America into a meat grinder and importing en masse the very same people that Americans were told were so dangerous, that we had to spend billions of dollars and thousands of lives rooting them out of the Middle East and other troubled regions of the world. It’s all deliberate, Peters said, adding that American “kids are being set up for a bloodbath” – especially if they’re White Christians.
In a mega-viral clip taken from a recent episode of the Stew Peters Show, Peters went no-holds-barred as he linked the military-industrial complex directly to the overrunning of America’s borders, and the occupation of our cities by millions of violent illegal invaders, many of whom are tied to narco-terror gangs, or Middle Eastern extremist groups backed by the U.S. Deep State.
“We were told that if we don’t go fight them over there in the sand, that they’re going to come here,” Peters said, recounting the endless pro-war propaganda thrown into the faces of Americans for decades to justify the continued deployments and deaths of some of America’s finest Patriots. “And now, guess where they are, they’re here!”
“And our enemy has never been Islamic extremist Muslim terrorists from Afghanistan and Iraq,” Peters went on.
“No. Our enemy is pouring through the border right now. Our enemy is coming over here. Intentionally being orchestrated by our own government so that they can come in here and do exactly what they said that we were going over there to prevent, which is bringing the fight to our streets. And guess what, it’s here. And our kids are going to pay the price,” Peters warned.
“Our kids are being set up for a blood bath. If you are a White Christian male in this country, they are gunning for you. They are coming after you. They are going to either lock you up or kill you. They hate you. And I don’t know what it’s gonna take for people to understand that.”
“We’re combatting decades of propagandizing and brainwashing by this Jewish-funded BlackRock-funded, Rothschild-funded fake media, who’s complicit in the death of Americans,” Peters went on to say, offering up a remedy for how to deal with the globalist anti-Americans in our country’s midst.
“They should be rounded up by the U.S. Marshals or some other force. They should be held to account in some sort of a military tribunal, and when they’re convicted, they should be executed,” said Peters. “Because they have led millions of children to their deaths!”
Watch the Full Video Clip Below or Click HERE
If you’re a White Christian male in America, they’re gunning for you. 🇺🇸
Our kids are being set up for a bloodbath.
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) February 23, 2024
Stew Peters Show: Christians Are Being FORCED to Fight in Zelensky’s War
The hard-charging segment from Stew Peters is just the latest to grace his show as he continues to force the truth into the light, despite around-the-clock efforts to shut him down by not just the Deep State and Big Tech censors, but by so-called journalists and others who obviously benefit from the status quo, and the bloodshed of Americans.
But their cries have been drowned out by thousands of approving comments on Peters’ video – likely a direct result of Peters’ ability to shift the Overton Window.
With hosts like Stew Peters on the air, now, more than at any time in recent history, Americans, especially the White ones, are beginning to speak up and push back against the genocidal war machine ruling over the D.C. Swamp and extending to the Israeli Knesset.
As @Mofobian wrote on X in response to the video clip, “Stew Peters turned out to be one of the most intelligent men of our time, previously referred to as a silly conspiracy theorist.”
Other replies and reposts read like the one pictured below, as viewers called for Peters to be elected President of the United States, thanks to his unique ability among news hosts to tell the truth, and not lie straight to the people while setting them up for death.