Last Updated on March 30, 2023
Anti-Christian loudmouth and outspoken atheist opponent of religion, Richard Dawkins is scared to criticize Islam and shut down when asked about the so-called “religion of peace” during a televised interview with Piers Morgan that was billed as being “uncensored.”
“There’s a big debate about this ISIS bride,” Morgan said to Dawkins, before asking him whether or not a young woman who left England to marry an ISIS terror fighter should be “allowed back in this country.” After the question, Dawkins, an outspoken critic of Christianity, whose criticism of the religion often crosses the line into emotionally-charged ridicule, clammed up when Morgan asked him about the ISIS bride and the wider issue of radical Islam, apparently too fearful to speak on the matter.
“Do you have an opinion on that?” Morgan asked him.
“I’d rather not say,” Dawkins replied.
“Are you worried about, would you get threats because of the positions you’ve taken on some of these things?” asked Morgan.
Dawkins replied with complete and total silence.
“Are you saying no, you don’t want to talk about it?” Morgan asked. Dawkins replied with a mumbled “yes.”
“I think it’s sad that you can’t,” Morgan told Dawkins, before scolding his cowardice.
“I don’t think anything should be off limits in interviews with people like you,” Morgan continued. “The whole point of the world’s smartest thinkers is we ought to be able to have a free and open debate. I don’t think we do because people use murderous retribution against free speech, really is what it amounts to.”
Watch the video below:
A heartbreaking scene. @piersmorgan is interviewing @RichardDawkins, one of the most influential minds alive today, and he shuts down. He won’t even comment on Salman Rushdie. This is where terrorism leads, as Piers points out. This is how it works.
— Yasmine Mohammed 🦋 ياسمين Ù…Øمد (@YasMohammedxx) March 28, 2023
Dawkins’ fearful appearance on the show Piers Morgan Uncensored comes years after he was blasted by the international press for criticizing Islam. In several instances, criticism of Islam in Europe, by a variety of speakers, has led to rioting, murder, and terror attacks from the Islamic migrants who have come into the West by the multi-millions. This behavior has regularly been excused by those on the political left, who have also lashed out at those willing to criticize Islamic violence and terrorism.