Last Updated on November 3, 2019
Shocking Planned Parenthood content that is censored from television is being forcibly used to teach young children about gender, abortions, anal sex, oral sex, masturbation and other sexual behaviors, to children as young as 4 years old, according to a video published by Stop CSE.
According to the group, “This website was created to warn parents and policymakers of the serious harms of explicit comprehensive sexuality education programs (CSE)”
This video surfaces at a time when many American parents have reached their limit with public school intrusion into their children’s sexuality and development. Parents are beginning to question what Planned Parenthood corporation, the leading provider in abortion has to do with teaching children about their private sexual identity.
The American College of Pediatricians said, “CSE goes far beyond sex ed, and is a dangerous assault on the health and innocence of children.”
Even children are concerned about the implications. “Healthy, Happy and Hot is a pamphlet I got from Planned Parenthood, and I told the UN about it,” said a concerned AIDS orphan from Mozambique. She said that the literature talked about sexual pleasures and having sex when “drunk”.
Such revelations have alarmed both parents and students alike.
Many parents groups are urging other parents to investigate what is happening in their child’s school, and to question the schools outright to see what the school is using to teach human sexuality to their children.
In the video, a woman says that The World Health Organization guidelines outline lessons of masturbation for 0-4, the video exposes.
“We have been told we will be denied foreign aid if we do not use these materials, said Dr. Theresa Okafor, Director of the Foundation for African Culture Heritage.
Beastiality, sex with objects are detailed in other teaching aids by Planned Parenthood and their affiliates including UNESCO, teaching children as young as 9, which includes curriculum pushing Gender.
The materials push abortion rights under the claims they are human rights and promote a billion-dollar Abortion Industry.
“The Genderbread lesson plan concerns me the most,” said Kristine Swarts, from Power2Parent. “It teaches that Gender is a spectrum, and teaches children to change by the day.”
National File covered the Genderbread Lesson.
Stop CSE is a worldwide movement.
I’ve done my Part #StopCSE #NotWithOutChildren
— PrepareToMeetGod (@Mickzo) October 30, 2019