Twitter has announced seven media entities who will be allowed to codify election results on election night. They amount to the same, mainstream media usual suspects that have attempted to control the narrative for entirety of President Trump’s tenure in office.
Monday, Twitter executives provided details about how it will handle tweets that declare election results, including what organizations are allowed to make declarations and penalties for groups and individuals who violate their censorship rules.
Twitter has named ABC News, the Associated Press, CNN, CBS News, Decision Desk HQ, Fox News, and NBC News as the arbiters of election results.
Twitter has named 7 outlets to determine whether a race is officially called.
It consists of ABC News, AP, CNN, CBS News, Decision Desk HQ, Fox News and NBC News — all outlets that experts agree have verified, unbiased decision desks calling elections.
— Axios (@axios) November 2, 2020
Previously, the social media giant said it would require either an announcement from state election officials or a projection from at least two sanctioned national news outlets before letting Twitter users – their clients – tweet about the results.
Prior to that Twitter will brand all posts that mention calling the election for either candidate with a label that reads, “Official sources may not have called the race when this tweeted. Find out more.” That branding label will link to Twitter’s anointed elections information hub organizations.
Many tech platforms and social media outlets – including Facebook – have established protocol to deal with premature claims of victory on election night.
Twitter and Facebook are still reeling from getting caught censoring the Hunter Biden hard drive story that exposed the Biden family international influence scheme to include Democrat presidential Joe Biden during his tenure as vice president.