Twitter Users Mad After Nurse Suggests Diet, Exercise, Jesus Over Drugs, Alcohol to Relieve Stress, Anxiety by Archive January 16, 2020 A couple of viral tweets expressed anger at nurse's unwoke advice
Ole Miss Professor Calls for Expulsion, Criminal Charges for Gender And Racial Bias by Archive December 12, 2019 University of Mississippi professor makes radical proposition for those guilty of 'bias' at college
Merriam-Webster Declares Non-Binary Pronoun ‘They’ Word of the Year by Archive December 11, 2019 Merriam-Webster declares the newly popularized pronoun their word of the year
Elementary School Question Asks Pupils to ‘Set Your Price for a Slave’ by Archive December 11, 2019 Class question has led to wild backlash
Magazine Shares 4-Year-Old Boy with Sign: “Men Have Periods Too” by Archive November 8, 2019 Parents Magazine Run Controversial Politicized Sign in Publication
VIDEO: Kanye Says Liberals Want to Remove Jesus, Threatens to go ‘Alex Jones Level’ by Archive October 28, 2019 West derided liberalism and "woke" culture while espousing the Christian message.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates