US Pension Money Flows into Chinese Companies: State Department by Archive December 8, 2020 As the stock markets start to settle down after the tumultuous year that was 2020, many people are starting to ...
Biden Mega-Donor Goldman Sachs Guilty of Billion Dollar Bribery Scheme by Archive October 27, 2020 Goldman Sachs, the employer of an elite cadre of large money contributors to Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign, has ...
Biden Doubles Down on Promise to Raise Taxes Despite 66% of Voters, 57% of Democrats Wanting Cuts by Archive October 25, 2020 After telling the country he plans to destroy the oil industry Joe Biden tells his wealthy Wall Street bankrollers that ...
TUCKER: Hedge Fund Managers Like Ben Sasse Donor Paul Singer Are Destroying Middle America by National File News December 4, 2019 Fox News's Tucker Carlson conducted a scathing investigative report on political power player Paul Singer Tuesday night.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates