BREAKING: Voting Machines Shut Down in PA After Flipping Votes by Frankie Stockes November 7, 2023 Voting machines in multiple Pennsylvania precincts were shut down after they flipped cast votes from one candidate to another, the ...
FLASHBACK! 2008 Video Shows Obama Bragging That Democrats Control Voting Machines In Ohio by Kari Donovan November 18, 2022 A short clip of a longer 2008 video has re-emerged, showing then-Democrat Presidential candidate Barack H. Obama bragging to an ...
Democrat Reporter Makes Case That Mitch McConnell Stole 2020 Victory With Corrupt Voting Machines by Archive May 31, 2021 This comes as Democrat officials and mainstream media outlets continue to tout the "security" of the 2020 election.
BREAKING: Stanford Researcher Hacked Georgia Voting Machine, Confirms ‘Pump And Dump’ Vote Manipulation Possible by National File News December 30, 2020 "Someone can actually siphon off that data, modify the data, and then feed it right back into the system, or ...
ARIZONA: Senate Subpoenas SERVED for Dominion Voting Machines in Maricopa County by National File News December 15, 2020 The Arizona Senate has issued the subpoenas to Maricopa County in order to perform a full forensic audit of their ...
Dominion Lobbyists Paid McConnell Thousands Before He Crushed Election Integrity Bills, Ignored Election Contests by National File News December 15, 2020 Mitch McConnell quashed two election integrity bills in July last year after receiving thousands in donations from Dominion lobbyists.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates