GEORGIA: 1.2 Million Absentee Ballot Requests, 85,000 Are New Voters by Archive December 16, 2020 Despite over a month of outrage over Georgia's November election, there have now been 1.2 million absentee ballot requests for ...
House Republicans Introduce Bill to Repeal Fraud-Prone ‘Motor Voter’ Law by Archive December 6, 2020 Ask any Republican politician or election official what the most potent enemy to a sovereign election is and you will ...
Progressive Voter-Advocacy Groups Probed for Illegal Registrations Ahead of Georgia Run-Off by Archive December 1, 2020 Several Progressive and Left-leaning voter advocacy groups have come under scrutiny for the actions in the State of Georgia. With ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates