Conservative Legal Team Sues Mike Pence, Demands He Reject Unconstitutional Electoral College Slates by Archive December 24, 2020 In one of the most potent lawsuits to reach the US Supreme Court, the Amistad Project has filed a lawsuit ...
GEORGIA: Coffee County Says It Couldn’t ‘Duplicate’ Election Results, Won’t Certify Election by Archive December 10, 2020 ‘Any system, financial, voting, or otherwise, that is not repeatable nor dependable should not be used’
Minnesota Republicans Sue to Stop Election Certification, Claim Secretary of State ‘Illegally Altered’ Election Laws by Archive November 24, 2020 Even as the Democrat Secretary of State in Minnesota races to certify that states election results, a coalition of constitutionally ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates