Virginia Legislators Abolish Lee-Jackson Day Celebrating Confederate Generals – ACLU, CAIR Celebrate by Frankie Stockes February 7, 2020 Virginia's Democrat legislators voted to rid the state of the day celebrating the Confederate generals.
Virginia Democratic Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax Breaks the Tie in Vote to Repeal Abortion Restrictions by Kim Coulter February 5, 2020 This Wednesday, the Virginia State that was held in a 50-50 split on Bill 733 was decided upon by Governor ...
Virginia Democrat Vows to Oppose Northam’s Gun and Magazine Bans by Frankie Stockes February 3, 2020 Senator Lynwood Lewis, a Democrat, vowed not to support any of Governor Northam's Bloomberg-sponsored legislation
Virginia Democrats Now Plan to Issue Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants by Frankie Stockes February 1, 2020 Amid their pushes for gun control, Democrats are also finding time to help illegal aliens.
VIRGINIA: Anti-Gun Democrat Caught Drunk Driving, Cops Release Him Due to Legislator Privilege by Frankie Stockes January 30, 2020 The police were legally unable to prosecute Hurst because the General Assembly is in session.
MALKIN: ‘Demographics is Destiny’ as Mass Migration Shifts Red States Blue by Kim Coulter January 29, 2020 Michelle Malkin tweet is in reference to the recent Virginia gun rally, and the recent approval of "red flag" laws. ...