Candace Owens Torches Lebron: ‘Anything But A King’ by Addison Basurto November 9, 2022 Conservative geopolitical analyst, Candace Owens, lambasted NBA Superstar and the face of Nike, Lebron James, in a tweet published on ...
EXCLUSIVE: Christian Uyghur Describes Genocide In China, ‘There Is No Hope For Us’ by Archive April 9, 2021 “When I came to America, I could see that this is human. They, as a people, are living as a ...
VIDEO: Biden Says He Won’t ‘Speak Out Against’ China’s Uygur Genocide, Because ‘Culturally, There Are Different Norms’ by Archive February 16, 2021 America's new President says he won't denounce the genocide of the Uyghur ethnic minority in China, adding that Chinese President ...
Uyghurs Who Survived China’s Concentration Camps Describe Gang Rapes With Electric Batons by Archive February 6, 2021 Ethic minorities, including Uyghurs and Kazakhs, who escaped the slave-producing concentration camps of China’s Xinjiang province, recall routine acts of ...
BREAKING: With One Day Left In Office, Pompeo Declares China ‘Committing Genocide’ Against Uyghurs by Archive January 19, 2021 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says China is engaging in "genocide" against the Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic groups.
Apple Lobbies Congress To Weaken Bill Banning Use Of Chinese Slaves To Make iPhones by Archive November 22, 2020 Apple, a pioneer in the world of digital censorship and progressive virtue signalling, has dispatched a team of lobbyists to ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates