CONGRESS: Assistant To House Sergeant At Arms Arrested, Charged With Possessing Child Pornography by National File News October 20, 2021 Stefan Bieret, an assistant to the Sergeant at Arms for the House of Representatives, has been arrested and charged with ...
Democrats Veto Rep. Paul Gosar’s Plan To Give $10,000 Stimulus Checks To Americans by National File News March 2, 2021 Prior to passing their massive $1.9 trillion stimulus package early Saturday, House Democrats moved to swiftly veto Republican Rep. Paul ...
Nancy Pelosi Gives Eric Holder $300,000 To Gerrymander Districts To Favor Democrats by Archive February 24, 2021 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) once took a stand against the gerrymandering of congressional districts. Now, the California Democrat is ...
Far Left ‘American Bridge’ Super PAC Will Spend $100 Million to Back Biden, Democrats in 2022 by Archive February 9, 2021 The far-left political action group American Bridge, which spent roughly $62 million in attacks ads against President Donald Trump and ...
Only 10% of Wyoming Republicans Support Liz Cheney After Her Vote To Impeach Trump by Archive February 2, 2021 Cheney’s "vote of conscience" is proving costly for the House’s number three ranking Republican
Democrats Push For D.C. Statehood In Likely Unconstitutional Move To Give Dems Two More Senators Indefinitely by Archive January 30, 2021 Thirty-eight Senate Democrats joined in co-sponsoring a measure by US Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), that would advance a vote on ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates