British University Forces ALL Students to Attend Lectures on Climate Change by National File News October 8, 2019 The "sustainable development" course will be mandatory for every student at the university
No Deal Brexit Could Lead to Rise in Public Sex, Minister Warns by National File News October 6, 2019 The resulting traffic jams could lead lorry drivers to pursue "alternative" forms of entertainment
BREXIT DERANGEMENT SYNDROME: Doctor Reports Case of Man Driven Mad by Brexit by National File News October 1, 2019 Dr Mohammad Katshu reported his patient suffered hallucinations and delusions following the 2016 vote
British Muslims Host First Ever Pride Event by Archive September 23, 2019 The UK's diverse population and progressive ideals haven't always gelled at the best of times.
UK: Labour Party Votes to Abolish Private Schools by National File News September 22, 2019 Their property and resources would be "redistributed democratically and fairly", Labour delegates said
World’s First ‘Vagina Museum’ to Open in London by Archive September 18, 2019 Stunning and Brave Addition to London's Vibrant Culture
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates