Ugandan President Museveni Blasts U.S. Deep State And Fake News Media by Eduardo Rivero January 15, 2021 Museveni is running as socially conservative law-and-order candidate in Uganda presidential election
MELTDOWN: Twitter Says Uganda Violates ‘Basic Human Rights’ By Banning Them Only Days After Banning Trump And His Supporters by National File News January 12, 2021 Ugandan government widely praised for standing up for their citizens' right to free expression
Uganda Blocks Facebook, Twitter, Threatens To Make Ban Permanent If They’re Not ‘Friendly And Equitable’ To Ugandans by Archive January 12, 2021 In what surely represents a twist of events for the big tech giants, Uganda has banned Facebook and Twitter.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates