Bringing it Back: Trump Pledges to Reinstate Travel Ban in NH Speech by Charles Downs October 9, 2023 In a well-attended speech in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, President Trump explained the foreign policy failures of Joe Biden and "his ...
VIDEO: Biden Stresses Vaccines In Response To Omicron Variant Despite First Four Cases Being Recorded In Vaccinated Individuals by Cullen McCue November 29, 2021 President Biden discussed the emergence of the new "Omicron" COVID variant that was first detected in southern Africa. The President ...
LOCKDOWNS FOREVER: UK Public Health Officials Say Lockdowns Must Stay Despite High Vaccination Rate by Kim Coulter March 22, 2021 Public health officials disagree with Boris Johnson's plan to ease government lockdowns later this year.
CBS DECLARES: You’ll Need A COVID ‘Vaccination Passport’ To Travel By Summer 2021 by Archive February 11, 2021 As the United States prepares to open back up after the unnecessarily long COVID lockdowns, the mainstream media is shaping ...
POLL: SurveyMonkey Claims 74% of Americans Will Accept COVID Passport in US If Implemented by Archive January 14, 2021 As the government and government regulated industries continue to erase the freedoms of Americans in the name of “public health,” ...
New York City to Have Thanksgiving COVID Checkpoints by Archive November 26, 2020 If you are traveling in and around New York – and especially New York City – this Thanksgiving, you had ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates