Democrat COVID Bill Gives $21,000 Handout To Federal Employees If Their Kids’ Schools Aren’t Open In Person by Archive March 4, 2021 The carve-out for government workers includes part-time and seasonal employees
Los Angeles City Councilors Each Employ Between 22 to 36 Aides, Some Making Over $100K by Archive January 30, 2021 The debt burden held by Los Angeles alone totals $5.1 billion equating to over $4,000 for every taxpayer in the ...
COVID CASH COW: Anthony Fauci Is the Highest Paid Federal Employee in The United States by Archive January 25, 2021 The current chief medical adviser to President Biden makes more than the President he serves
House Democrats Seek to Resurrect Earmarks, Special Interest Cronyism by Archive November 26, 2020 If there was ever proof that the elected class couldn’t care less what their constituents want this is it. With ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates