VIDEO: Female Swedish Cop Kneels, Raises Fist, Holds ‘White Silence is Violence’ Sign by National File News June 4, 2020 The female officer then began crying and started a group hug with female protesters
SWEDEN: African Migrant Accused of Raping, Giving Toddler an STD by Archive May 24, 2020 The unnamed African migrant has lived in Sweden for a decade
Swedish Parliament Votes To Pay Somalia’s Debt To The IMF With Taxpayers’ Cash by National File News May 15, 2020 Payment will consist of 21 million Swedish kronor, equivalent to $2 million
SWEDEN: Teen Murdered While Protecting Girl From Alleged Migrant Rapist by Archive May 15, 2020 Sudanese migrant continued raping female victim after stabbing teenage
POLICE: Kurdish Migrant Murders, Beheads Teenage Swedish Girlfriend by Archive May 14, 2020 The girl's head was found in a suitcase with her underwear
Serial Rapist Cannot Be Deported From Sweden Because He Was Child Refugee by Archive April 30, 2020 The man, now in his late 20's, cannot be sent home given the length of time he has remained in ...
Josh Hawley’s Bill Failed to Give Cause of Action for Parents whose Children are Mutilated by Doctors
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story