Pelosi Slips Unanimous Consent Requirement Into Dems’ $2,000 Stimulus Bill, Likely Rigging It To Fail by National File News December 23, 2020 Democrat House stimulus bill has been deemed certain to fail because of Pelosi's unanimous consent requirement, making it an ultimately ...
BREAKING: Trump Calls Bloated Relief Bill A ‘Disgrace,’ Will Use Veto Power If Stimulus Isn’t Increased to $2,000 by National File News December 22, 2020 "The bill they are now planning to send back to my desk is much different than anticipated, it really is ...
VIDEO: Pelosi Calls $600 Stimulus ‘Significant,’ Said $1,000 Employee Bonuses Following Trump Tax Cuts Were ‘Crumbs’ by National File News December 21, 2020 The Democrat House Speaker is being pilloried online for out of touch remarks about Congress' paltry $600 stimulus deal.
VIDEO: Josh Hawley Slams Ron Johnson For Abandoning Trump On $1,200 Direct Stimulus Payments by National File News December 18, 2020 "Go home and try explaining that to the people of your state," Hawley said. "Try telling them why this body ...
Hawley Urges Trump To Veto Any ‘COVID Relief’ Bill That Excludes Stimulus Checks For American Families by National File News December 7, 2020 "Families and working people in need should be the FIRST consideration in COVID relief, not last"
Pelosi Sets Meaningless 48 Hour Deadline For COVID Stimulus Talks by Archive October 18, 2020 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi set an arbitrary deadline of 48 hours for the Trump administration to capitulate in talks to ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates