GEORGIA: 1.2 Million Absentee Ballot Requests, 85,000 Are New Voters by Archive December 16, 2020 Despite over a month of outrage over Georgia's November election, there have now been 1.2 million absentee ballot requests for ...
POTENTIAL FRAUD: Group Linked to Democrat Senate Candidate Probed for Registering Non-Georgia Residents to Vote by Archive December 3, 2020 The act of moving to the State of Georgia to vote only to return to your home state is a ...
Stacey Abrams Recruits Hollywood Elites to Interfere in Georgia Runoffs by Archive November 29, 2020 Georgians are set to go to the polls on January 5, 2021 to decide who they will have represent them ...
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Stacey Abrams Plotting To Use Re-Districting to Stop ‘White’ People by Patrick Howley April 26, 2020 Former Democrat legislator and gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams in 2014 revealed her plan to change the racial demographics of the ...
Stacey Abrams Went To Bilderberg by Patrick Howley April 24, 2020 Democrat vice presidential prospect Stacey Abrams attended the 2019 Bilderberg Conference, a meeting of the most powerful globalist operators in ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates