Socialist-Themed Vegan Meat Company Suffers Union Scandal Over Unlawful Termination by Archive October 9, 2020 Theory works better than practice!
Kansas Democrat Candidate Admits He Abused Ex Girlfriend, Maintains ‘I Did Not Choke Her’ by Archive September 7, 2020 The socialist Democrat claims that more government programs would have prevented the abuse.
EXCLUSIVE: Allen West: Democrats ‘Created’ Antifa and KKK Terrorists by Eduardo Rivero August 20, 2020 Republican Party of Texas chairman Lt. Col. Allen West revealed his views on what messaging Republicans should use in the ...
TEACHER: ‘Boys Need to be Castrated at Birth’ by Archive November 6, 2019 A teacher claimed that boys should be castrated at birth to prevent men from "governing."
UK: Labour Party Votes to Abolish Private Schools by National File News September 22, 2019 Their property and resources would be "redistributed democratically and fairly", Labour delegates said
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates