BERNIE’S OUT: Union Bosses Veto Sanders As Labor Secretary In Hypothetical Biden Administration by Archive November 24, 2020 Two top union bosses have given a thumbs down to Socialist Bernie Sanders as Labor Secretary in a Biden administration, ...
WATCH: Tucker Carlson Reveals GA Democrat Senate Candidate’s Anti-Police History by Archive November 11, 2020 Georgia faces a double run-off election for both seats representing the state in the US Senate. The stakes are high. ...
AOC Hints She May Quit Politics, Criticizes Unsupportive, ‘Hostile’ Democrats by Archive November 9, 2020 Thin-skinned as most Progressives are Ocasio-Cortez responds to criticism by House Democrat leadership by whining about unfairness threatening to take ...
AOC, Progressives Pursue ‘Truth & Reconciliation Commission’ For Trump Supporters by Archive November 8, 2020 At the genesis of every historical instance of oppression and totalitarianism there was the want to make a list of ...
LEAKED ZOOM CALL: DC Antifa Have Planned Violence for Election Night by Archive November 3, 2020 Leaked information from a Zoom call that instructed and coordinated groups like Black Lives Matter Antifa and Shutdown DC show ...
VIDEO: Kamala Harris Talks About the ‘Beauty of Marxism’ Just Days Before the Election by Archive November 3, 2020 Just two days before the 2020 General Election, Democrat vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), posted a campaign video ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates