NASA Tests Asteroid Defense Strategy by Jerry Bates September 28, 2022 For decades, NASA has been trying to come up with a plan to potentially neutralize an asteroid from hitting Earth, ...
TRUST THE SCIENCE: MIT Study Confirms Anti-Maskers Understand Data Better Than Their Opponents by National File News May 17, 2021 A new study from MIT researchers has confirmed that coronavirus skeptics and anti-maskers understand science and data better than their ...
Alex Jones Right Again: Scientists Admit They Successfully Created Human-Monkey Hybrids by Archive April 15, 2021 "They developed this decades ago, it was in the literature, it's just now they're going operational because they've gotten it ...
Journal Publishes Scientifically Flawed Study Claiming Reparations Would Save Black People From Coronavirus by National File News February 20, 2021 A mere $800,000 per black family would lower the rate of COVID transmission, the study conducted by academics from Harvard, ...
SUPER SOLDIERS? Communist Chinese Altering DNA of Their Military Personnel by Archive December 10, 2020 China is making no secret that it wants to dominate the world in every aspect of the idea and is ...
UK: Government Scientist Resigns After Breaking Lockdown By Meeting Married Mistress by National File News May 6, 2020 Professor Neil Ferguson broke the lockdown rules he helped implement when he invited his lover to his house
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates