FLORIDA: GOP Legislators Launch Attack on Big Tech on Multiple Fronts by National File News January 27, 2021 Fines, divestments, and more may be in store for big tech in Florida.
Ron DeSantis Pulls Florida National Guard Out Of D.C., Says ‘They’re Not Nancy Pelosi’s Servants’ by National File News January 22, 2021 "This is a half-cocked mission at this point and I think the appropriate thing is to bring them home."
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Drafts Bill Allowing Citizens To Shoot Rioters And Looters by National File News November 11, 2020 Move comes as left-wing extremists promise to take to the streets if Trump investigations into voter fraud prove successful
Democrat Florida Mayor’s ‘Right Hand Man’ Accused of Organizing Protests For Gov. Ron DeSantis by Archive October 1, 2020 The “right-hand man” to St. Petersburg, Florida’s Mayor Rick Kriseman, a Democrat, is reported to have published a Facebook post ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates