Nancy Mace Blames Lackluster GOP Midterm Performance on Pro-Life Policies by Cullen McCue January 23, 2023 U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) blamed the overturning of Roe v. Wade for the Republican party's lackluster midterm showing during ...
Death Cult: Women’s March Announces They Aren’t Just Pro-Choice but ‘Proudly Pro-Abortion’ by Frankie Stockes September 30, 2022 The far-left Women's March political organization has proclaimed that they aren't just pro-choice, but are "proudly, unapologetically pro-abortion," admitting that ...
Pete Buttigieg Defends SCOTUS Protestors Despite DOJ Statute Suggesting Otherwise by Paul Aubert July 11, 2022 Pete Buttigieg defended Leftist activists who protested outside a D.C. steakhouse once they heard SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh was dining ...
Biden Considers Establishing Public Health Emergency To Allow Abortions by Paul Aubert July 11, 2022 President Joe Biden said he may declare a public health emergency to push back on the Supreme Court's recent decision ...
National Right To Life Website Targeted In Cyberattack by Paul Aubert July 1, 2022 A major pro-life activism group may have been the target of a cyberattack. The National Right To Life's website has ...
Biden Calls for Suspension of Filibuster Rules to Codify Roe by Cullen McCue June 30, 2022 President Biden called for Senate filibuster rules to be suspended so that Democrats can codify Roe V. Wade with a ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates