VIDEO: CNN’s Van Jones Gives Credit to Trump for ‘Good Stuff He’s Done’ For ‘Black Community’ by Archive October 24, 2020 Van Jones, the former ‘Green Jobs Czar’ for the Obama administration, rebuked CNN host Jack Tapper’s criticism of President Trumps ...
OnlyFans Cam Girl Says Demonizing Catcallling Is Racist Because ‘Mostly Black People Catcall’ by Archive August 7, 2020 An Only Fans camgirl, blogger, psychedelic enthusiast, and nihilist philosopher has made the claim that demonizing catcalling is racist because ...
BLM Activist Calls Dragonball-Z ‘Racist’ Due to Mr. Popo’s Alleged Blackface by Archive August 6, 2020 A Black Lives Matter activist has called the animated TV show Dragonball Z "racist" for its inclusion of a character ...
BBC Claims That The British Countryside is Racist by National File News June 30, 2020 The BBC's Countryfile ran a segment on their Sunday program claiming that minorities don't visit the English countryside because it's ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Identifies As Black: ‘We Are Afro-Latina’ by Eduardo Rivero June 22, 2020 Far-left icon Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) declared herself a black 'Afro-Latina' in an excerpt of an interview posted on Twitter ...
Rapper Doja Cat ‘Cancelled’ After Her Controversial Single ‘Dindu Nuffin’ Goes Viral by Eduardo Rivero May 25, 2020 Rapper Doja Cat has been 'cancelled' by social justice warriors after it was revealed that years ago she had participated ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates