Reporter Seemingly Curses While Reporting Kobe Bryant’s Death by Greg Aselbekian January 26, 2020 It's safe to say she will be hearing about her alleged gaffe for a while
Sheffield University Pays Students to ‘Tackle Microaggressions’ as ‘Race Equality Champions’ by National File News January 14, 2020 20 students will be hired to "lead healthy conversations" about race on campus
Feminism is Sometimes Actually White Supremacy, Say SJWs by Archive January 11, 2020 Harper's Bazaar came out with a headline which could be many considered strange, titled "When Feminism Is White Supremacy in ...
“Little White Town” to Change Signs Over Racism Claims by National File News November 6, 2019 Bideford in Devonshire, UK, will change its historic signs
10 Most Outlandish Things Called Racist by ‘Experts’ by Archive October 15, 2019 Cartoons, weather, and man's best friend make the cut.
Sheffield SU BANS White Students from “Anti-Racism Meetings” by National File News October 9, 2019 Only BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) students will be allowed to attend the meetings