The Trump Curriculum: President Announces ‘1776 Commission’ to Create Pro-America Educational Materials by National File News September 17, 2020 "It will encourage our educators to teach our children about the miracle of American history, and make plans to honor ...
BREAKING: Trump Slams ‘Totally Discredited’ 1619 Project and Other BLM ‘Toxic Propaganda’ in Fiery Speech by National File News September 17, 2020 "Critical race theory, the 1619 project, and the crusade against American history is toxic propaganda, ideological poison that if not ...
SCAMDEMIC: FALSE Positive Test Results Exposed As Trump Dunks on Fauci by Patrick Howley July 16, 2020 President Donald Trump's White House has been dunking on failed Coronavirus pandemic expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, a close confidante of ...
After Watching Tucker Carlson, Trump Reportedly Regrets Going Along With Kushner’s ‘Woke Sh*t’ by National File News July 1, 2020 The President reportedly believes that Kushner-recommended racial pandering has hurt him politically, and not won him any new voters
Trump Must Pardon Flynn From Judge Sullivan’s New Charges by Jon Moseley May 14, 2020 Judge appointed a private attorney, retired judge, to continue prosecution of Trump's former National Security Advisor
SPLC, Koch Organizations Go Into Full Panic Mode Over Trump Immigration Moratorium by National File News April 21, 2020 Open-borders special interests countersignal Trump immigration moratorium