VIDEO: Australian Police Rip Terrified Child From Mother For Protesting Lockdown by Kim Coulter May 9, 2020 A mother exercising her legal right to protest social distancing and forced lockdowns in Sydney Australia was detained by police ...
VIDEO: Cops Assault, Arrest ‘Stormtrooper’ for Carrying Toy Gun in Promotion by Archive May 6, 2020 A girl cosplaying as a "Stormtrooper" in a store promotion for May the fourth--relating to Star Wars--was arrested by police ...
Tommy Robinson Stops Coronavirus Assault – Media Erases His Actions by National File News March 26, 2020 Tommy Robinson stopped thugs coughing and spitting on a woman during the coronavirus pandemic, but the media erased his actions ...
UK: Gov’t Gives Police Emergency Powers, May Close Pubs and Ports, Run Crematoriums 24/7 by National File News March 14, 2020 The emergency legislation will give the government the power to stop any vehicle, close down ports, and speed up burials ...
VIDEO: Police with Drones Enforce Coronavirus Isolation in Italy by Archive March 12, 2020 Dystopian scenes emerge from quarantined Italy
SCOTLAND: Politically Incorrect Jokes Logged on Police Database by Archive February 21, 2020 Freedom of speech and police resources called into question