Poland Takes On Soros: NGOs Must Declare Their Foreign Funding by Eduardo Rivero May 14, 2020 The nationalist eastern European state has challenged Soros' NGO network
VIDEO: Stripper Performs in Front of Elementary School Students and Parents by Archive May 5, 2020 A disturbing video has gone viral on social media as a stripper performs a pole dance in front of elementary ...
POLAND: Teachers Could Face 5 Years Prison for ‘Turning Kids Gay’ by Archive April 21, 2020 Legislation to treat sex-ed as 'pedophilia'
REPORT: Polish Border Guards Arrive at Greek Border to Keep Refugees Out of Europe by Archive March 12, 2020 Eastern Europe takes charge in defending the west
FORT TRUMP: Polish President, Trump Agree To Permanent US Presence by Archive September 24, 2019 The United States and Poland agreed to a permanent military presence in the central European nation.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates