Anti-CPS Candidate Karena Feng Takes on Josh Harder In California 9th District Primary This Tuesday by Patrick Howley June 6, 2022 Karena Feng is taking on the corrupt Child Protective Services (CPS) system in California by running for U.S. Congress in ...
EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi Jr. Oil Company Employed Russians To Influence Politicians by Patrick Howley January 27, 2020 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. was a board member of the energy company Viscoil Holdings and an executive at ...
VIDEO: Howley Exposes Paul Pelosi Jr.’s Ukrainian Business Dealings on OAN by Archive January 2, 2020 "We are watching a group of political elites being exposed and weaponizing their power against regular people"
VIDEO: Ex-Girlfriend of Nancy Pelosi’s Son Claims He Illegally Uses His Mom’s Office to Enrich Himself by Archive November 20, 2019 Paul Pelosi Jr. allegedly uses his mother's name when convincing investors to buy into "shell companies."
VIDEO: Paul Pelosi Jr Nearly Killed a Homeless Man in Fit of Rage, Alleges Ex-Girlfriend by National File News November 20, 2019 Karena Feng told Patrick Howley that Pelosi Jr. almost crushed the man's skull with her stove
VIDEO: Pelosi’s Son’s Ex-Girlfriend Claims Forced Abortion, Abuse, Weaponizing CPS, Massive Fraud by Patrick Howley November 20, 2019 Karena Feng Details Paul Pelosi Jr.'s Alleged Fraud and Her Fight To Get Her Children Back
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates