Head of the Snake: Alexander Soros Takes Control of Father’s $25 Billion Foundation by Frankie Stockes June 12, 2023 George Soros' son Alexander Soros has taken control of his father's $25 billion globalist empire that includes the Open Society ...
Myanmar Military Seizes George Soros Organization’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup by Archive March 18, 2021 The Soros-owned foundation's assets were seized and arrest warrants were filed for 11 of its employees.
India Threatens To Jail Twitter Employees For 7 Years After Alleged Interference In Country’s Politics by Eduardo Rivero February 9, 2021 India has threatened to jail Twitter employees for up to 7 years after the social media platform's algorithm promoted violent ...
#BLM Coalition Demanding Abolition of Police Previously Received $33 Million From Open Society Foundations by Archive June 10, 2020 The Movement for Black Lives, funded by a series of liberal groups in 2016, pushes a radical agenda during the ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates