Carol Miller Voted to Expand Taxpayer Funding of Abortion by Patrick Howley March 6, 2024 RINO incumbent congresswoman Carol Miller voted to expand taxpayer funding of abortion in December of 2019, during the lame duck ...
Biden’s ‘American Recovery Act’ Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion by Archive February 10, 2021 Any mention of a temporary expansion that breathes life back into Obamacare was mysteriously missing from a summary of the ...
Biden Scraps Trump’s Executive Order Lowering Prices of Insulin, EpiPen For Impoverished Americans by Archive January 23, 2021 In his ongoing campaign to expunge the Trump presidency, President Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) executed an ...
Biden Doubles Down on Promise to Raise Taxes Despite 66% of Voters, 57% of Democrats Wanting Cuts by Archive October 25, 2020 After telling the country he plans to destroy the oil industry Joe Biden tells his wealthy Wall Street bankrollers that ...
GOP Declares Democrats’ Insistence Barrett Would Kill Obamacare ‘Propaganda’ by Archive October 15, 2020 As Democrats paint a picture that Barrett will single-handedly repeal Obamacare, Republicans in Congress push back against the notion as ...
House Democrat Leaders Claim GOP Rush to Fill Ginsburg Seat About Obamacare by Archive September 22, 2020 Top ranking Democrats in the US House are declaring that the reason President Trump and the Senate GOP are racing ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates