High Profile Brazilian Athletes Rally Around Bolsonaro as Election Protests Continue by Cullen McCue November 14, 2022 As protests against Brazil's recent presidential election continue through their 13th consecutive day, a number of high-profile Brazilian martial artists ...
Fascist Fitness: MSNBC Compares Physically Fit Men to Nazis by Frankie Stockes March 24, 2022 A recent column published by MSNBC accused physically fit men of being fascists. The article specifically focused on those involved ...
Donald Trump To Attend Fight Of UFC’s Conor McGregor, Who Called Trump ‘Incredible’ And The ‘Greatest Of All Time’ by National File News July 9, 2021 Trump will attend UFC 264 in support of MMA star who called him a "Phenomenal President"
Trans MMA Fighter ‘Enjoyed’ Fracturing Biological Woman’s Skull, Called it ‘Bliss’ by Archive June 22, 2020 Fallon Fox's deleted tweet reveals a more sinister side to pugilistic arts
Trans MMA Fighter Who Broke Woman’s Skull Celebrated as ‘Bravest Athlete in History’ by Archive January 23, 2020 Out Sports described the trans fighter who demolished female opponents as brave
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates