Iranian Man Arrested With Machete, Knives, $22k Outside Mar-A-Lago by Archive January 13, 2020 The man was arrested with $22,000, a machete, an axe, and knives.
VIDEO: Iranians Refuse to Disrespect United States, Israel, Walk Around Flags Painted on Pavement by Archive January 12, 2020 Video shows Iranian students working hard to avoid stepping on the flags of the United States and Israel.
Boeing’s Newest Board Member, Nikki Haley, Boasts About Iran Escalation by Kim Coulter January 10, 2020 Nikki Haley shared a tweet the day Soleimani was killed praising the actions of President Donald J. Trump
VIDEO: Anti-‘War’ Protesters Claim ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Has No Scandals, Ignore 1/1024 Native DNA Test by Archive January 9, 2020 The protesters professed ignorance when asked about Warren's 1/1024 Native American DNA.
REPORT: Trump Backs Off War With Iran After Watching Tucker Carlson by Archive January 9, 2020 Tucker's reporting may have prevented a ground invasion of Iran.
BREAKING: Iran Launches ‘Scores’ of Missiles Against US in Iraq, Military Reportedly Poised For War by Archive January 7, 2020 Top Pentagon sources suggest a full scale war may commence in the coming days.
President Trump’s Tough Stance on Zelensky Is 100 Percent Justified According To Our Interviews With Ex-Zelensky Officials
NATIONAL FILE Calls Upon RFK To End The Biden CDC Program of Tracking And Surveilling Unvaccinated Americans
Josh Hawley’s Bill Failed to Give Cause of Action for Parents whose Children are Mutilated by Doctors